[Operating System] Files

File is a logical collection of 1's and 0's. There are two basic types of files:

  1. Text / ASCII files:
    1. Plain printable text. Generally human readable and editable.
    2. Examples: .c, .java, .txt.
  2. Binary files:
    1. Everything other than text files. It's kind of a misnomer, because text files are essentially binary as well.
    2. Generally not human readable and editable. 
    3. Usually generated and interpreted by some program.

Endianness refers to how the binary data in a file is ordered. There are two types of Endianness conventions:
  1. Big Endian: bytes are stored in file from most significant bits (MSB) to least significant bits (LSB). Example: CADE 0000 0002
  2. Little Endian: bytes are stored in file from LSB to MSB. Example: DECA 0000 0200
In the UNIX operating system, I/O devices are modeled as files. You could open them, write bytes to them, and read bytes from them.

C library defines three constant (always open, cannot close) file handlers:
  1. stdin: standard input (console).
  2. stdout: standard output (console).
  3. stderr: standard error (console, for error message).


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